Please help us continue our work in transforming people's homes and providing a new beginning!


Do you have TIME to help us?
We need volunteers to help collect furniture, unload furniture, help to set up the new homes for those who desperately need a fresh start and organize the items in the warehouse. From energetic teens to active retirees, we need you!

Donate ITEMS!
If you have furniture to donate, please text photos of the items to 917-837-1315 with your full name, address, dimensions for couches and when the items are available. Note - We only pick up furniture from Millburn/Short Hills, Maplewood, Summit, Chatham, Union, Springfield, the Oranges.
Items can be delivered to our warehouse in Orange or arranged for pick up for larger pieces. All items MUST be clean, rip
free, no stains, NO pet hair, ready to move into someone's apartment. On day of pick up all items must be on the first floor or garage!